My story as an breastmilk lover.


I’ve decided to call myself ”Mister Milky Moustache” on this blog to protect my identity. I work as an IT Technician in the health sector, mainly at Maternity clinics.

My line of work is not an coincidence, quite the opposite, it has been my goal for a long time. You see, my passion in life is milk filled breasts, and this way i can get closer to a large amount of breastfeeding mothers without raising any suspicion.

At all the clinics i work at i´ve taken full control of all the doctors computers, that includes medical files, schedules and appointments. And with a few hidden cameras in their offices i can pick and choose the women that best suits my criteria. 

I now know how they look, including breast size, if they are single and of course where they live. And the best part, when the doctor orders an home visit from an Lactation consultant i can remove that order and show up myself.

That’s what this blog is gonna be about, my encounters with single mothers with swollen milk filled breasts welcoming me with open arms.